Thursday, 23 September 2010

New app - A Better Mousetrap

A recent request on a listserv I subscribe to wanted to know if there was a free mouse trapping option where the user could select the region for the pointer to be fixed.  A couple of suggestions were made, but one was quite old and the other wasn't free.  So as this did not seem to be too difficult a task which could fill an hour or so, I decided to see if I could make a better mousetrap than the one i originally posted here.  And what better name for an app than, "A Better Mousetrap", so here it is

A very simple application, choose the area you wish to trap the mouse in using the movable and resizable glass window, then press the hotkey combination to lock the pointer in the field. Once an area has been set, the application will retain that setting until either a new area is set, or the application is closed. This will allow the lock to be turned off whilst navigating elsewhere and then with a press of the hotkey combination, the lock can be restored.

Tuesday, 9 March 2010

T-Bar - Slovene language version

Following a request from a group in Slovenia who work with dyslexic / SpLD children, a version of T-Bar with all Slovene menu's and dialogs has now been added to the site.

Orato - Text to speech

A straight forward text to speech application. All text input is carried out through the clipboard. Settings allow Orato to read either on demand or automatically when new text is added to the clipboard. Other options will display the text if required, with highlighting of the word or sentence being spoken. Orato can either be installed to the hard disk or copied onto a pen drive for portable use.

As always, go to and look on the Assistive page